Yankee Candle ‘Pink Dragon Fruit’ Review

Yankee Candle 'Pink Dragon Spray' small jar.

Yankee Candle ‘Pink Dragon Fruit’ small jar

I love this beautiful ‘Pink Dragon Fruit’ Yankee Candle. It is a lovely, girly pink colour that will add a bit of femininity to your bedroom.

This is one of the most girlish Yankee candle’s I have bought and reviewed so far; it has a beautiful sweet scent to it with some really strong smells of tropical fruit that will uplift any room. This candle has a very unique fragrance and has a gorgeous sweet fruity smell. It is great for putting your feet up and relaxing.

I have a small jar with the retail price set at £7.99. This candle is said to burn between 24 – 40 hours which I find is great and makes you not feel so guilty for spending so much on a candle.

I think all the girly girls out there will really love this ‘Pink Dragon Fruit’ candle. Definitely one of my favourites!

Overall Rating: 5/5

Yankee Candle ‘Paradise Spice’ Review

Yankee Candle 'Paradise Spice' sample.

Yankee Candle ‘Paradise Spice’ sample

Paradise Spice? Well, that name sounds familiar doesn’t it…

I am back with another brilliant Yankee Candle review. This time I will be talking about the ‘Paradise Spice’ candle. For me that name suggests strong summer smells  and of course spices. The name lives up to my expectations and it delivers some gorgeous spicy scents to my nostrils. This candle has scents of banana and cinnamon with hints of vanilla that really will make you think you are living in paradise. This candle has the summer smells of banana and vanilla and the spicy scents of cinnamon  and clove. For me, this candle has a stronger smell of spice rather than summer fruits so for those who love spicy scents and fragrances, this is the candle for you.

‘Paradise Spice’ is a great summer fragrance although that doesn’t mean you have to wait until then to use it. Use it now to add some summer in to your cold, gloomy winter. It has a lovely warm scent to it that is great for settling down in front of the TV or with a good book before bed (although don’t forget to blow your candle out before you fall asleep).

This candle is a clean light cream colour that is great for brightening up your room and giving it that welcoming look. The people behind ‘Yankee Candle’ are yet to disappoint me! I have not bought a candle I do not like from them yet and this one is no different.

Overall Rating: 4/5

Yankee Candle ‘Rainwashed Berry’ Review

Yankee Candle 'Rainwashed Berry'.

Yankee Candle Rainwashed Berry sample

‘Rainwashed Berry’ was the start to my long, passionate love for Yankee Candles. I had heard a lot about Yankee Candles and how amazing they were but I had never given them a chance until I came across this particular candle in Asda. I soon bough a medium ‘Rainwashed Berry’ jar for just £9 (which is a bargain when the retail price is set at £16.99) and not long after I because obsessed with these beautiful candles. I now can no longer buy a candle if it isn’t a Yankee candle and my thoughts about scented candles never actually making a room smell good have long been banished. Because I know first hand that these scented Yankee candles do in fact make a room smell fantastic once they are lit.

And ‘Rainwashed Berry’ will always be one of my most beloved Yankee Candles. It has a beautiful perfumed smell to it that will transform any room, making it smell fresh and clean. This candle has a gorgeous smell of handpicked cherries; I could sit and smell this all day long. I think Yankee Candles are a great alternative to using air fresheners and these candles will probably last longer too. I like how ‘Rainwashed Berry’ has a strong fragrance and therefore you will be able to smell it when it is lit. I prefer candles with stronger fragrances as I find the subtle, soft scented candles can sometimes get lost within a room.

The candle is a beautiful deep red (for the cherries) and will cheer up your room and bring a bit of colour to your otherwise gloomy January. I buy the sample sizes at £1 from Asda (£1.80 elsewhere) and they can last up to 15 hours which is brilliant for the price. I have used other candles in the same size in the past and find they run out far too quickly so Yankee Candles are great if you are looking for a long lasting candle.

Overall Rating: 5/5

Yankee Candle ‘Berrylicious’ Review

Yankee Candle 'Berrylicious' sample.

Yankee Candle ‘Berrylicious’ sample

‘Berrylicious’ is yet another gorgeous scented Yankee candle I have found and fell in love with. I love the sweet, ripe fragrance of the blueberries, with the soft, suble hint of vanilla. Although sweet, this Yankee candle is not too sickly which I find can occur too many times when it comes to sweet scented candles.

I am not usually a big fan of sweet candles and they can sometimes make me feel a little woozy with all the strong, powerful fragrances mixed together but ‘Berrylicious’ has just the right amount of sweetness without making me go dizzy from the fumes.

This candle is not particularly strong, although you will still be able to notice the fragrance in the room when you light this candle so no need to worry. I find the smell very relaxing and it brings a bright, uplifting mood to the room.

The wax is a black/dark blue colour that represents the blueberries in this ‘Berrylicious’ candle. This is great for people who love fruity, sweet smells.

Overall Rating: 4/5

Yankee Candle ‘Holiday Magic’ Review

Yanke Candle 'Holiday Magic' Sampler.

Yanke Candle ‘Holiday Magic’ sample

Christmas may have come and gone but I still have my Christmas Yankee candle which I love so much. There were lots of limited edition Christmas Yankee candles on the market during the festive period but I opted for the amazing ‘Holiday Magic’ scented candle.

I often buy the sample candle sizes as they are the perfect size and allows me to try all the different Yankee candles without making a huge commitment. I mostly buy my Yankee candles from Asda, with the sample candles often reduced to just £1, which allows me to try a large range of the candles without spending too much money. Best of all, by buying the small sample candles I can change my candles a lots and make my room smell of new scents and flavours without waiting a long period of time before the larger candles burn out. If you do buy your Yankee candles from different stores however, the retail price for the samplers are £1.80. The sample candles can burn up to 15 hours so you really do get your moneys worth with this Yankee candle.

Unlike a lot of candles on the market, Yankee candles have a strong fragrance which will make your room smell amazing. I often find that when I light so called scented candles, there is no smell to them at all and my room stays smelling pretty much the same but with Yankee candles, the fragrance is powerful and will make your room smell fantastic almost instantly.

‘Holiday Magic’ is a festive candle, with a festive smell. I am not sure if this candle is still available to buy separately in store but I have seen that Asda are still selling some Yankee candle winter gift sets that contain this particular candle inside so you might be in luck.  So, what does it actually smell like? Well, for me ‘Holiday Magic’ smells like Christmas. By that I mean I get the scents of spice and cinnamon, which for me is what Christmas smells are about. If Christmas was a smell, it would be this. I love the smell of this candle and I truly wish this candle was available all year round. It gives off a very homely, welcoming smell that is sure to put you and your guests in a good mood. The candle wax is a glorious red colour that again links with the festive theme. For those of you who prefer the more spicy scented candles, you will love this particular candle. If you can still get your hands on this, I highly recommend to do so now.

There’s no need for January blues with this Yankee Candle ‘Holiday Magic’. And who doesn’t love and miss Christmas? No need to wave goodbye to the festive season just yet!

Overall Rating: 5/5