Yankee Candle ‘Paradise Spice’ Review

Yankee Candle 'Paradise Spice' sample.

Yankee Candle ‘Paradise Spice’ sample

Paradise Spice? Well, that name sounds familiar doesn’t it…

I am back with another brilliant Yankee Candle review. This time I will be talking about the ‘Paradise Spice’ candle. For me that name suggests strong summer smells  and of course spices. The name lives up to my expectations and it delivers some gorgeous spicy scents to my nostrils. This candle has scents of banana and cinnamon with hints of vanilla that really will make you think you are living in paradise. This candle has the summer smells of banana and vanilla and the spicy scents of cinnamon  and clove. For me, this candle has a stronger smell of spice rather than summer fruits so for those who love spicy scents and fragrances, this is the candle for you.

‘Paradise Spice’ is a great summer fragrance although that doesn’t mean you have to wait until then to use it. Use it now to add some summer in to your cold, gloomy winter. It has a lovely warm scent to it that is great for settling down in front of the TV or with a good book before bed (although don’t forget to blow your candle out before you fall asleep).

This candle is a clean light cream colour that is great for brightening up your room and giving it that welcoming look. The people behind ‘Yankee Candle’ are yet to disappoint me! I have not bought a candle I do not like from them yet and this one is no different.

Overall Rating: 4/5

5 thoughts on “Yankee Candle ‘Paradise Spice’ Review

  1. I’ve been waiting for this to come back this year but it’s now the end of February. Do you know if it was discontinued? I called yankee candle customer service and they aren’t able to tell me.


    • Hey! Sorry I can’t help you but I’m not too sure if it has been discontinued or not. I did a quick Google search but couldn’t find any answers but it looks like it may have been. That sucks because I loved this particular Yankee candle but there’s always new scents being introduced so hopefully you’ll be able to find one you love just as much.


  2. Thanks for the response. I just called them again, and this time I reached someone who was able to give me more info. She told me she checked the list of all the candles that are coming out through the summer, and there is no sign of it, so it may have been discontinued. I emailed them at welisten@yankeecandle.com to ask for it to come back. Maybe if even people ask for it, they will bring it back next year!


    • Just received confirmation of it being “retired” after I emailed them. Here is their response:

      Unfortunately, this product has been retired. The decision to retire a product is based on a number of different factors and is decided by our corporate office. Occasionally, if we receive enough demand for a product, it may be produced on a limited basis. You may wish to check with us periodically for this product.

      We will forward your inquiry about this product to the appropriate department for further consideration.


      Denise H.
      Consumer Direct Lead
      Yankee Candle Co.



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